Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Law Of Attraction, Does It Really Work?

There is no question as to whether or not the Law of Attraction works, it is working continuously in all our lives as we speak. However, whether or not it is working in you favor or not, depends on your personal belief's and attitudes. Just as The Law Of Gravity brings a object back to Earth, The Law Of Attraction brings us what our subconscious mind thinks we want based on our beliefs about our world and our attitude and feelings about ourselves. You might say that our outside world is but a reflection of our inner self, a mirror image that brings us back exactly what we project outward to the Universe. So in essence, our world and our circumstances is our own creation according to our beliefs and attitudes.

We are responsible for our own circumstances, and are not victims of our circumstances as the world would have us to believe. The Hawaiian belief of Ho'oponopono takes this one step further to the extent that we are 100% responsible for not only our own circumstances but we are also contributors in some way to the circumstances of those that may cross our path. When we pray, we should pray, not for the other person, but for our own forgiveness in our participation or contribution in whatever small way that our role contributed to their ill circumstances.

The good news here is that if we don't like our circumstances, it doesn't have to permanently be that way. We can change our circumstances and create a new and better world simply by changing our beliefs and attitudes about ourselves. Changing our beliefs comes with first identifying our subconscious beliefs that are not valid and no longer serve us and replacing them with those beliefs that we want to serve us.

Since birth, our minds are being programmed from a number of sources. Predominantly our parents in the beginning. As our world expands and we get older our sibling, peers, and relatives add their input. All this time we are continually absorbing, processing and analyzing all these experiences from which we then make decisions and interpretations that form our opinions and or beliefs about what we have experienced, which then become our reality. Some of these are valid beliefs, but most are not, but are only our perspective of reality as we see it as compared against our previous knowledge or beliefs. After awhile we may have accumulated many invalid beliefs compounded on top of more invalid beliefs, but in our own mind they make up our reality.

As a child, we are masters at rationalizing how, no matter what happens in our world, we must be somehow at fault. Unless given support and positive influence, we are constantly figuring out how we are unworthy and or not good enough, just by the words of an unintentional remarks by a person we might view as authoritative, we take it literally to mean we are either stupid, not worth loving, or worthless.

My father passed on his misbelief's about investing money, he lost some money in the stock market at some point early in his adult life and created a fear of investing which he passed on to me. That was compounded at an early age by the "Parable of The Talents" bible verse where the Master handed out talents to his servants and they were given the task of investing them. Given my inherited fear of investing, I identified with servant with only one talent and at the time thought holding onto my single talent was not a bad idea, at least I would still have it. When it came time to settle accounts, and the servant who had not invested his but buried it was severely reprimanded, called a foolish, wicked and lazy servant and had his talent taken away, my feelings of unworthyness in money matters were validated and I was convinced that I could not be trusted with having any control over money, thus a block to attracting money or abundance was formed.

One of the keys to having the Law Of Attraction work for us in our favor, is the ability to make our conscious thoughts of what we want become part of our subconscious beliefs. The clearing of any mis-belief's about what we want, those beliefs in our subscious that are in direct conflict with our conscious desires, are a necessary part of the process in order to allow the LOA to work in our favor. My fear of investing and resulting fear of handling money was an obstacle I had to identify and release.

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